
This value set includes only the types associated with amino acid allele instances.

Scope and Usage

ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType allows for the use of additional amino acid types which can be used to clarify and add depth to the primary-amino-acid-change-type. Additionally, this type allows a single annotation using a term not included in the primary list.

Additionally ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType can be used to annotate types experimentally discovered or derived with annotation tools such as VAT, SnpEff or ANNOVAR.

ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType List

Currently constraint to be a child of sequence_variant within the Sequence Ontology.


ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType: (cardinality of 0..*)

  • This attribute allows for a couple of possibilities.
    1. First to allow additional detail in describing the location of the feature related to the variant. 2. Second, it allows the uses of terms that may better describe the feature of intrest, not offered in the primary list.

The first case:

Type Display Name Code
primaryAminoAcidChangeType frameshift_variant SO:0001589
ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType frameshift_elongation SO:0001909
Type Display Name Code
primaryAminoAcidChangeType missense_variant SO:0001580
ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType non_conservative_missense_variant SO:0001586

This method offers two levels of annotated detail. The primaryAminoAcidChangeType term enables higher-level grouping, and the ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType offers additional specifics on the nature of the variant.

The second case:

Type Display Name Code
ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType rare_amino_acid_variant SO:0002008

Annotation tools examples:

Type Display Name Tool Code
ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType conserved_intergenic_variant SnpEff SO:0002017
ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType stop_retained_variant VAT SO:0001567
ancillaryAminoAcidChangeType upstream_gene_variant ANNOVAR SO:0001631

Exclusions and Limitations

Additional terms can be submitted for review via the sequence ontology request a term